How React Native Reduces Development Cost?

mobile app development

Do you know how much it costs to develop a mobile app? Between designing the user interface, coding the backend, and developing versions for iOS and Android, total development costs can easily surpass $100,000 for some applications. As a business owner just starting out, that kind of expense might not fit within your budget.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easier and cheaper way to build mobile apps? Allow TeCuriosity to suggest something – React Native.

React Native is a JS-based, open-source framework developed by Meta (formerly called Facebook) that makes building iOS and Android mobile applications with just one codebase possible. Instead of Objective C or Java, React Native uses JavaScript programming language for mobile development. 

The end product looks and functions just like its native equivalent while only needing to be built once!

React Native can reduce development costs through code reuse. With one shared JavaScript codebase that renders as native apps on both platforms, all that’s required to build the interface, implement functionality, and deploy updates is once. 

This enables small teams to build mobile apps faster at lower cost – getting your ideas out there faster without breaking the bank!

React Native Can Reuse Code to Speed Development Time

One of the most useful advantages of React Native is its ability to allow developers to repurpose code across iOS and Android platforms. React Native compiles into native components, so a single interface design will work on both platforms.

You can create one codebase that renders native iOS and Android user interfaces, saving time and costs during development. This simplifies development efforts significantly.

Sharing code, logic, and tests across platforms enables faster iterations. Any updates instantly reflect in both iOS and Android.

Sharing components, business logic routing, and data fetching reduce duplication of effort while speeding development timeframes.

Cross-platform flexibility empowers your developers to focus on crafting exceptional user experiences instead of spending their time replicating features over and over.

React Native is built upon a JavaScript runtime environment, so you can take advantage of familiar web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Compilated native iOS and Android UI and modules help your app achieve smooth performance with a native look and feel.

React Native can help reduce development costs and speed the time-to-market for apps by sharing code between iOS and Android platforms, which leads to efficiency gains that translate to both time and financial savings. 

By sharing UI elements, logic tests, and tests between platforms, reusing code across them leads to efficiency gains, which equates directly to savings in both time and money.

Advantages of React Native’s Cross-Platform Capabilities

React Native’s Cross-Platform Capabilities One of the main advantages of React Native is its cross-platform capabilities. 

You can build mobile apps for both Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android using one common JavaScript codebase. This makes development faster as the programmer only has to write the code once to work across both platforms. 

This translates to less headaches for you when building apps with React Native!

Save Time and Money

Building apps for both iOS and Android requires writing two distinct codebases using Objective-C/Swift or Java/Kotlin languages – double the development time and cost! 

React Native is different! It requires just one build and deployment anywhere on either platform. That means reduced time-to-market and costs!

Faster Development Cycles 

React Native’s hot reloading feature enables you to make code modifications instantly and see the effects without rebuilding an app, providing an accelerated development cycle and more productive workflow. 

This tight feedback loop leads to faster development cycles and an overall more productive workflow.

Access to Native Features 

While developing with JavaScript and React, React Native gives you access to native platform features such as a camera, location services, and an accelerometer. This provides you with both native user experience and cross-platform code.

Massive Community and Flourishing Ecosystem

React Native has an expansive and active community with thousands of open-source libraries and tools available – this ecosystem makes building high-quality apps easy!

Real-World Examples of Companies Saving Money with React Native

Numerous prominent companies have made savings using React Native for mobile app development, which provides real savings. Below are a few real-life examples:


Meta invented React Native and has taken great strides to use it in building their mobile apps like Ads Manager, Analytics, and parts of the Facebook app itself. 

By sharing code across platforms – iOS and Android – React Native has helped save Meta Platforms thousands of engineering hours while streamlining development processes.


The retail giant rebuilt its mobile app using React Native, which allowed it to share 85% of the codebase between platforms – significantly cutting costs and expediting development timeframes.


Bloomberg utilized React Native to build their Bloomberg Professional app for iOS and Android. Reusing 60-70% of code between platforms enabled them to complete development with just six months’ worth of development team.

Uber Eats 

They rebuilt their app using React Native and were able to share around 90% of the code across iOS and Android platforms, significantly cutting their engineering costs and speeding up feature rollout.

React Native has proven itself successful for numerous major corporations, reducing development costs significantly and speeding up app creation times. React Native offers startups and enterprises alike an easy and cost-effective solution for creating top-quality mobile applications on a tight budget.


React Native offers you a powerful solution for mobile app development quickly and at lower costs than ever. 

Instead of managing two separate codebases for iOS and Android development, React Native’s hot reloading feature accelerates development and testing by cutting build times in half, and accessing native device capabilities with third-party libraries is made effortless. 

All told, React Native is truly revolutionary for mobile development; give it a try – in no time, you’ll be creating native-quality apps without breaking your budget!

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