Top Ad Server Companies: A Comprehensive Guide

Top Ad Server Companies

Have you ever been in an overcrowded market where vendors are vying for your attention and trying to sell you their products? That’s a lot like the world of digital advertising. With so many ad server companies out there, it can be tricky to navigate the crowded marketplace and find the right fit for your business. 

But fear not; we’re here to help! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take a look at the top ad server companies in the industry and break down what sets them apart. So whether you’re a website owner or a mobile app developer, our guide will help you find the best ad server company. 

So, get ready to maximize your revenue and reach your advertising goals!

But first, let us know what an ad server really does.

What is an Ad Server?

What is an Ad Server?

An ad server is a software application that serves advertisements on web pages. Ads are placed on a page through an ad tag, so the ad server takes ad requests and returns them with the correct tags.

Advertisers can use ad servers to manage their data, such as clicks and conversions. They also allow publishers to manage their inventory, track reporting metrics, and view real-time performance statistics.

Simply put, ad servers are the backbone of every digital ad campaign. They manage all of your ads and ensure they are served to the right people at the right time and platform. 

Without an ad server, you can’t create campaigns for any of your properties. Instead, you will have to deal with individual platforms’ native solutions.

Now, let us look at some of the top ad server companies that are worth your time – 

Google Ad Manager

Google Ad Manager, formerly known as DoubleClick for Publishers, is a powerful ad server platform that allows publishers to manage and deliver ads across all their digital channels. With Google Ad Manager, publishers can streamline their ad operations and monetize their content more effectively.

One of the most significant benefits of Google Ad Manager is its advanced targeting capabilities. The platform allows publishers to target specific audiences based on demographics, location, device type, and other parameters. 

How does this help? As a publisher, it empowers you to deliver more relevant ads to your audience, leading to higher engagement rates and better ad performance.

Google Ad Manager also offers a range of ad formats, including display ads, video ads, native ads, and more. This flexibility allows publishers to choose the right ad format for their content and audience, which can also help to improve ad performance.

Another key feature of Google Ad Manager is its integration with other Google advertising products, such as AdSense and Ad Exchange. This integration allows publishers to tap into Google’s massive ad network and access a wide range of advertisers and ad formats.

In addition to its advanced targeting capabilities and ad format flexibility, Google Ad Manager also provides detailed reporting and analytics. Publishers can track key metrics such as ad impressions, clicks, and revenue and use this data to optimize their ad operations and maximize their revenue potential.


Adzerk is a next-generation ad server platform offering various innovative features for publishers looking to monetize their digital content. One of the standout features of Adzerk is its flexibility and customization options. 

Unlike other ad servers offering pre-defined ad formats, Adzerk allows publishers to create custom ad formats using a drag-and-drop interface. As a result, publishers can create perfectly tailored ads for their content and audience, resulting in higher engagement rates and better ad performance.

Another helpful feature of Adzerk is its advanced targeting capabilities. The platform offers various targeting options, including behavioral, contextual, and audience targeting. This helps deliver more relevant ads to the target audience, ultimately resulting in higher click-through rates (CTRs) and better ad performance.

Adzerk also offers a range of ad formats, including display ads, video ads, native ads, and more. This flexibility allows publishers to choose the right ad format for their content and audience, which can also help to improve ad performance.

In addition to its customization options and targeting capabilities, Adzerk also provides in-depth analytics.


Epom is a comprehensive ad-serving solution that offers publishers a range of features to manage and monetize their digital content. One of the best features of Epom is its ease of use. The platform offers a pretty strightforward, intuitive interface that allows publishers to easily manage their ad operations and deliver ads to their audience.

Another critical feature of Epom is its advanced targeting capabilities. The platform allows publishers to target specific audiences based on demographics, location, device type, and other parameters. As a result, publishers can deliver more relevant ads to their audience, leading to higher engagement rates and better ad performance.

Epom also offers a range of ad formats, including display ads, video ads, native ads, and more. This flexibility allows publishers to choose the suitable ad format for their content and audience, which can also help to improve ad performance.

Epom also offers a range of additional features, such as ad fraud detection, ad blocking prevention, and real-time bidding (RTB). These features help ensure publishers get the most out of their ad operations and maximize their revenue.


AdButler is a comprehensive ad-serving solution that offers publishers a range of features to manage and monetize their digital content. One of the standout features of AdButler is its ad format flexibility. 

The platform provides a host of ad formats, including display ads, video ads, native ads, and more. This allows publishers to choose the right ad format for their content and audience, which can help to improve ad performance.

A critical feature of AdButler is its advanced targeting capabilities. The platform enables publishers to target specific audiences based on demographics, location, device type, and other parameters. 

Similar to other ad platforms, AdButler also provides detailed reporting and analytics, allowing publishers to track key metrics such as ad clicks, revenue and impressions. This data can be used to optimize ad operations and maximize revenue potential.

In addition to its ad format flexibility and targeting capabilities, AdButler also offers a range of additional features, such as ad-blocking prevention, ad fraud detection, and real-time bidding (RTB). These features help ensure that publishers get the most out of their ad operations and maximize their revenue potential.

AdButler also offers a range of customization options, including creating custom ad formats using a drag-and-drop interface.

Final Words

From all the above info, one thing is clear – choosing the right ad server is crucial for publishers seeking to monetize their digital content and maximize their revenue potential. 

While each ad server has its own strengths and advantages, the right choice ultimately depends on a publisher’s specific needs and goals. 

By taking the time to evaluate different ad server options and choosing the one that best suits their needs, publishers can ensure that they are getting the most out of their ad operations and maximizing their revenue potential.

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